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1 - How I configure the titlebar & make blog posts
You may have tried to create your own website from scratch before and, if you tried to write a navigation line or "shelf", you may have had the problem that to add a new entry to the bar, you need to update every single file.
This can be very, very annoying and tedious. Thus, I wrote a little script in lua to update the bar.
That's also why, when you try to read the pure HTML, you see comments like
The H is the replacement position for the shelf, while N is used for inserting the blog's title and the end notice.
So, for everyone having the same problem as I had, you can use and configure these scripts yourself. They can be found on my github:
They work by searching for the beginning of the line: if it starts with
, it will remove the line above and add in the contents of a file, titleshelf.html. It is also edited afterwards to add the new entry there, so that it persists even in newer overwrites.
It also works similarly for the header and when I wrote it at the bottom. In the index.html file of the blogs, it writes the new blog hyperlink in a new line, with the same comment.
So, thanks for reading. This post was made mostly to try out these scripts.